Nerve Pain and IMS

Intramuscular Stimulation, or IMS for short, is a technique used by physiotherapists since it was developed in the 1970’s in Vancouver by the pain specialist Dr. Chan Gunn. IMS is a total system for the assessment and treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain that has a neuropathic cause. It is grounded in western medical science and there is a growing body of evidence to support its efficacy.

Neuropathy refers to when a nerve is not functioning properly once it has exited the spinal cord. Often this occurs without any structural damage to the nerve meaning that x-rays and scans may look normal. Some indicators of neuropathy are pain in the absence of tissue damage, delayed onset of pain after an injury (e.g. in whiplash), and pain that gets worse after doing more activity. There are other specific physical signs that suggest there may be a neuropathic cause to a persons pain too. These signs will be picked up during the assessment and will indicate whether that person is a candidate for IMS treatment.

When nerve conduction is reduced in neuropathy, one of the main results is that the muscles that are supplied by that nerve become tight and shortened. This in itself can cause pain and supersensitivity of the muscle so even light touch to that area can feel very tender. The shortened muscle will also create more stress on the adjoining tendons and joints which can create problems in these structures causing further pain. Some common conditions in which an underlying neuropathy can be a factor are whiplash, chronic low back or neck pain, headaches, tendinitis, shoulder pain, and groin pain.

IMS involves the use of very thin needles which are inserted into the muscles that have been affected by neuropathy. This creates a ‘grasp’ or cramp sensation which causes the muscle to release, which in turn takes the tension off the surrounding structures. In this way supersensitive muscles can be desensitized and the persistent pull of short muscles can be released. When performed well IMS has a remarkable success rate, reducing symptoms in even long term chronic conditions that may have been present for months or even years, giving long lasting and often permanent results.

Injury Prevention in Curling

If you’re a regular league curler, whether recreational or competitive, then you’re surely familiar with the aches, pains and injuries that go hand-in-hand with the sport. Joints and muscles at the knees, back and shoulders are most vulnerable to injury. The good news is that by taking the following three preventative steps, you can minimize your chances of injury and maximize your enjoyment of curling this season!

Number one on my list is proper equipment. I can guarantee that if you curl long enough you’re going to fall once or twice. Over 90% of curling injuries result from a slip and fall. If you’re on the ice with any regularity, it’s worth ditching the runners in favour of a proper gripper and slider. Beginner curlers and young curlers in particular should also consider wearing a helmet when starting out. Scary fact: when you fall, your head is the body part that’s most likely to hit the ice first!

Number two is a proper warm up. But wait, there’s a twist. You need to actually get WARM. You need to increase your heart rate and body temperature! If you think that I’m stating the obvious, just look around at all of the curlers casually chatting or gently stretching before going on the ice. These activities will only warm you up if you’re doing them on a hot beach or in a hot yoga studio. Start by running on the spot, high-knees, butt-kicks, or doing jumping jacks. Follow that up with some curling-specific stretches including the legs and trunk, and you’ll be ready to hit the ice.

My third and final tip is this: get a qualified coach to take a look at your mechanics. I remember the first time that I saw my delivery and sweeping on camera, I was shocked at how awkward I looked! I’m not saying that you’re in the same boat; you might be perfect. But you may not look as good as you think you do. If you aren’t already getting regular coaching, an instructor can provide you with some insight into your technique. Improving your delivery and sweeping by optimizing the way that you load your joints and muscles will improve your performance and prevent overuse injuries. You’ll play better, and feel better doing it!

Keep these three points in mind and with any luck you’ll make it through the curling season with little to no time missed due to injury! If you do happen to run into any issues along the way, keep in mind that a visit to a physiotherapist can help you to get back on track. Happy curling in 2016!

For more information on curling injuries, prevention and exercise, join us for a free informational talk on Tuesday, January 26th at 6:30 at Sun City’s Glenmore location. Call 250-762-6313 to reserve your seat.

Rob Heimbach is a registered physiotherapist and associate at Sun City Physiotherapy’s Glenmore clinic. He can be contacted at 250-762-6313 or email

Exercise after Pregnancy

Exercise after Pregnancy

Exercise after Pregnancy

There are a few things a woman should take into consideration when resuming exercise after pregnancy: Pelvic floor strength and her abdominal muscles. Restoration and strengthening of the Pelvic Floor muscles is very important and should begin in the early days and continue weeks after delivery. Whether her delivery was vaginal or C-section, special attention needs to be paid to the post-partum woman’s abdominal wall. A widening of the gap between the two bands of the Rectus Abdominus muscle, known as Diastasis Recti, may not resolve spontaneously after pregnancy.

Pregnancy and childbirth puts a woman’s body through one of her life’s most strenuous events. Laxity in the ligaments, an increase abdominal girth, an exaggerated forward tilt of the pelvis can alter the center of gravity, affecting dynamic stability of the spine and pelvis. Combined with the load of carrying a new baby and breastfeeding, these added stresses to the spine can lead to postural fatigue and discomfort. Physiotherapists are experts at analyzing posture and alignment and can prescribe postural exercises and advice on body mechanics.

Kegel exercises are an important part of pre-natal health. The Pelvic Floor muscles (PFM) lie at the base of the pelvis, and run from behind the pubic bone to the tailbone. Differentiate a PFM contraction from the buttock muscles. To avoid increasing intra-abdominal pressure, don’t hold your breath and push. Instead, think of pulling the two side walls of the vagina toward midline, and lift up inside. Hold this contraction for 10 seconds, without holding your breath.
Immediately after a vaginal delivery, many women find it hard to feel a contraction in their pelvic floor muscles. It works much easier if “muscle memory” exists from previous practice.
If you’re having difficulty with this, an internal examination by a women’s health physiotherapist can determine the extent of the problem. Other concerns, such as uncomfortable scarring after an episiotomy, can also be addressed.

We have 3 layers of abdominal muscles. 100% of women have some degree of Diastasis Recti, or abdominal separation in their third trimester of pregnancy. At 8 weeks post-partum, if the gap is marked (greater than 2 fingers width), if untreated it will likely still be a problem after a year. Diastasis Recti can aggravate low back problems and result in a midline “doming” of the abdomen under load. The underlying cause is an abnormal increase in intra-abdominal pressure during exertion, not the pregnancy itself.

If you suspect you have a Diastasis, try to avoid activities that strain on the abdominal wall. This would include sit-ups, especially over a large ball, heavy lifting, yoga postures that include back bends, Pilates “100’s”. This is until you have learned to contract the inner Transversus Abdominus (TrA) muscle to support the wall.

Two thirds of women with Diastasis Recti have some level of Pelvic floor dysfunction. The Pelvic Floor muscles and TrA work synergistically to support the pelvic organs, especially during exertion. Good tone in these muscles helps to prevent and treat prolapse and stress incontinence, which can show up in mid-life.

Sun City Physiotherapy Locations


1468 St. Paul Street, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-861-8056
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103-437 Glenmore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-762-6313
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Lake Country

40-9522 Main St., Lake Country, BC
Phone: 250-766-2544
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Lower Mission

3970 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 778-699-2006
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Skiing and Snowboarding

Skiing and Snowboarding

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Skiing and Snowboarding

Ski and snowboard season is here!

I’m sure many of you skiers out there have already started to dust off your equipment, check the daily snow report and maybe even head to the mountain for some early season skiing.

We are fortunate in Kelowna to have so many great ski resorts nearby. Skiing and snowboarding are great ways to get some fresh air and exercise when it can be a challenge to stay active in Kelowna through the fall and winter. This is especially true lately when it has been so wet, cold and dark outside. Since most outdoor activities have wrapped up for the summer, I think that this is the perfect time of year to start conditioning your body in preparation for the upcoming ski season, if you are not already doing so. A good exercise program which addresses core and hip stability, balance, flexibility, muscle endurance and aerobic conditioning will go a long way to help improve your endurance and technique on the mountain to help you get the most out of your season.

If you are currently recovering from an injury or if you have just been sedentary for some time and are noticing a lack of strength, balance, range of motion or overall conditioning, it can be very useful to engage in a progressive rehabilitation exercise program prior to doing something more demanding on your body, like hitting the slopes for the day.

In the clinic, it is not uncommon to see overuse or traumatic injuries pop up as a result of unresolved muscle weakness, due to injury or sedentary behaviour, followed by more demanding or intense exercise. This excessive demand could come from lifting very heavy weights, running too fast or too far, attending an advanced exercise class or participating in a full day of winter activities. While the above examples may very well be a realistic long term goal, you may be putting your body at an increased risk of injury if you engage in an activity that your body is not adequately prepared for.

Exercise needs to be consistent and frequent, rather than all or none. Set a goal to exercise small amounts each day. An exercise program should include a combination of core stability, strengthening, stretching, balance training and aerobic conditioning.

If you are currently recovering from an injury or if you have been inactive for some time and are not sure where to begin, a physiotherapist can help get you on the right track, by developing a safe and effective individualized home exercise program based on your specific goals and current ability.

Sun City Physiotherapy Locations


1468 St. Paul Street, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-861-8056
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103-437 Glenmore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-762-6313
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Lake Country

40-9522 Main St., Lake Country, BC
Phone: 250-766-2544
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Lower Mission

3970 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 778-699-2006
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Hockey Injuries

Hockey Injuries

Hockey Injuries

Every Fall, thousands of Okanagan hockey players return to the local rinks. Although most will have a great year of pain free hockey, many will suffer an injury during the season.
The most common types of lower body hockey injuries suffered are to the groin and hip flexor muscles. These muscles cross the hip joint from the pelvis and either pull the thigh across the midline of the body (adduction) or upward into flexion. A certain amount of hip rotation also occurs during this. These actions are key movements during skating. They occur when pulling the leg back under your body, prior to push off or when turning and performing crossovers. These same muscles are also under stress when used to control end-range extension and abduction (hip movement away from midline of the body) during the push phase of the stride. In fact, it is during this controlled muscle lengthening (eccentric contraction) that the muscle most commonly fails and a strain occurs. These important muscles are also used to stabilize the body during shooting, brace during body contact, and when a player slips or catches an edge.
Hip strength imbalances, decreased hip mobility, poor core/trunk stability, and lack of a good dynamic warm up have all been associated with increased risk for these injuries. The age of the athlete and a previous hip injury are also predictive factors. An athlete can’t change their age or go back in time and erase a previous injury, but they can be proactive about the other factors.
Research suggests that hip adductor (groin) strength should be no less than 80 percent of abduction strength (outer hip muscles). This can be worked on by including hip exercises such as lunges that step into 45 degree quadrants and lateral directions as well as forward and back (lunge matrix). I also like the use of the lunge matrix because it works on hip mobility and hip stability in positions your hip often gets into during hockey. You can also focus on your core stability during these movements. Training your trunk to stabilize during the skating and shooting motion is paramount.
A dynamic warm up is a series of sport specific movements that are designed to prepare the muscles for use and are performed in a safe controlled fashion. In hockey these can include movements such as squatting, lunging and high knees to name a few. With the hockey teams I work with, I will often go through a series of 10 to 15 movements off ice before getting equipment on. As a Physiotherapist, my personal routine is to usually target a few specific movements by performing air squats and lunges with rotation in the dressing room prior to lacing up my skates.
Even with the best prevention, an injury can still occur. Hockey is an explosive game with quick changes of direction and plenty of incidental contact. If you do suffer an injury to the groin region that you think is a strain, I suggest you ice the injured area for the first couple days and abstain from pain provoking activities. You should not return to skating until you can walk and lunge without pain. Optimally, you should make your first session back a skating only session and not put yourself into a game until you know you can tolerate skating. If you do have pain that does not settle in a couple days, or you experience other symptoms such as pain with coughing, or numbness into your groin, you should have it assessed by your doctor or Physiotherapist. There are other conditions that can occur in the region that are more serious than a muscular strain and these should be ruled out. Recovery from injuries to the groin can take anywhere from 3 to 5 weeks and they have the potential to become chronic if not treated properly.
If you suffer from this type of injury, talk to your Physiotherapist about the best course of treatment so you can get back on the ice sooner.

Sun City Physiotherapy Locations


1468 St. Paul Street, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-861-8056
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103-437 Glenmore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-762-6313
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Lake Country

40-9522 Main St., Lake Country, BC
Phone: 250-766-2544
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Lower Mission

3970 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 778-699-2006
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