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Injury Prevention in Curling
If you’re a regular league curler, whether recreational or competitive, then you’re surely familiar with the aches, pains and injuries that go hand-in-hand with the sport. Joints and muscles at the knees, back and shoulders are most vulnerable to injury. The good news...
Exercise after Pregnancy
There are a few things a woman should take into consideration when resuming exercise after pregnancy: Pelvic floor strength and her abdominal muscles. Restoration and strengthening of the Pelvic Floor muscles is very important and should begin in the early days and...
Skiing and Snowboarding
Ski and snowboard season is here! I'm sure many of you skiers out there have already started to dust off your equipment, check the daily snow report and maybe even head to the mountain for some early season skiing. We are fortunate in Kelowna to have so many great ski...
Hockey Injuries
Every Fall, thousands of Okanagan hockey players return to the local rinks. Although most will have a great year of pain free hockey, many will suffer an injury during the season. The most common types of lower body hockey injuries suffered are to the groin and hip...
Snowmobiling aches and pains
On February 2, the groundhog told us that spring will arrive soon. But don’t fear – the sledding days are not yet over. If you are looking to maximize your snowmobiling adventures or to try the activity for the first time before the snow disappears, then this is for...
ACL Rehabilitation
There are four main ligaments that provide stability of the knee joint - the medial and lateral collateral ligaments on either side of the knee, and criss-crossing deep inside the joint are the posterior and anterior cruciate ligaments. The anterior cruciate ligament...
Knee Osteoarthritis
You wake up, the sun is shining, you climb out of bed and realize that your knee feels stiff. Again. After about ten minutes the stiffness eases and you head out for your morning walk. You notice that you can't walk as fast as you could a couple months ago, and you...
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: another source of neck and arm pain.
It’s well known that pain in your neck, radiating down the arm can be a result of an irritated nerve root in your neck. What’s often overlooked, is that compression can occur further down the nerve continuum as they bundle together and exit the neck. These nerve...
Cervical Radiculopathy
Ever had pain radiating from your neck to your shoulder and down your arm? Perhaps losing strength in your arm or a feeling of numbness or tingling in the fingers? Chances are that you have irritated a nerve in your neck and that nerve is sending these painful or...
Fall Prevention Tips
An area of concern that I often hear about while working with an older population is the fear of falling. It is also fairly common that I will assess and treat an injury that is the result of a fall. A fall may occur due to poor balance, an unsafe walking pattern or...
A Pain in the Achilles
The Achilles tendon is the strongest tendon in the body, connecting the calf muscles to their insertion on the heel bone, or calcaneus. Achilles tendinitis is a common overuse injury in sport. It can be a killjoy – it affects walking, hiking and many sporting...
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
IT Band Syndrome Its the time of year when its great to get back outdoors, and when many of us become more physically active again. As our bodies adjust to the increased activity, sometimes there are aches and pains that come along with it. One such problem that...
Vertigo, Inner Ear & Dizziness
Vestibular Rehabilitation’ is an area of focus in my physiotherapy practise – I am often asked what exactly that means. The vestibular system (involving your inner ear) is responsible for sense of movement, body orientation and balance. The vestibular system (along...
BODY ROLLING: A new way to enhance flexibility and well being.
How often do you get a tight area in your back that you’d love to get rid of? Or a tense band in your buttock or hamstring that has plagued you for weeks? Have you noticed that your shoulders round forward, and you’re tight across the back of your shoulders? The...
TMJ Dysfunction Part 2
Argh! You woke up with another headache, and your teeth hurt from clenching yesterday at work, as you just met another stressful deadline. As you massage your temples and face, which actually feels relieving, your significant other tells you about your loud teeth...
Treatment Options for Hip Osteoarthritis
Hip osteoarthritis is a common condition that involves the degeneration of the articular cartilage of the hip joint. If you have this condition and are noticing an increase in pain and a decrease in physical function you may be wondering what treatment options are...
Iliotibial Band Syndrome and Running
Running is a popular activity that can help maintain or improve your cardiovascular fitness and in some cases help you lose weight. There are many different reasons to run but often there is a goal set that may include 5Km, 10Km, half marathon, or full marathon. When...
TMJ Dysfunction Part 1
Did you wake up this morning with acute facial pain and inability to open your mouth? When you think to yesterday, you remember taking a big bite from an apple and experienced a sharp pain in your jaw joint. Today, you can’t really open or fully close your mouth. That...
Bone Health and Exercise
Optimal bone health is a serious consideration in people approaching mid-life. It is common knowledge that bones become more brittle as we age. What may be less recognized are the factors we can control through exercise and nutrition in the first half of adult life...
Tennis Elbow
Tennis Elbow - you don’t need to play tennis to get it! Tennis elbow is so called as one of the reasons you can get it is from faulty technique in a tennis shot. This is only one of the ways that you can get tennis elbow though, it can come on from many other...