Rob Heimback MScPT, BScKin, Functional Dry Needling, Vestibular Rehab, Acupuncture


103-437 Glenmore Rd.
Kelowna, BC

Phone: 250-762-6313
Physiotherapy Services


Rob Heimbach MScPT, BScKin, Functional Dry Needling, Vestibular Rehab, Acupuncture

Hi I’m Rob!

I’m an outdoors and movement enthusiast and I love to help people get back to pain free movement! My passions include distance running, hiking, tennis, curling, and beach volleyball. I’ve always believed that an active lifestyle is the best medicine. I consider myself lucky to be able to assist people in the pursuit of their own movement goals.

I have a keen interest in working with active individuals from all backgrounds! In particular I love working with runners, curlers, dancers and soccer players.

I also have training in the diagnosis and treatment of concussion and vestibular conditions such as BPPV.

In addition to this, I have a clinical focus in orthopaedic assessment and treatment, and in persistent pain after whiplash injury. My treatment approach consists of a mix of patient education, active rehab, manual therapy, dry needling and acupuncture when appropriate. I have a passion for providing evidence based care, including the constant pursuit of new and effective treatment techniques as well as self-reflection and fine-tuning of the treatments that I provide.