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Sun City Physiotherapy
We strive to be the Okanagan’s leader in client focussed care and recovery. Through collaborative care planning, our team of compassionate and skilled professionals work closely with our clients, keeping our community moving for life.
All Locations Monday – Thursday 7am to 8pm. Friday 7am – 5pm.
1468 St. Paul Street,
Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-861-8056
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103-437 Glenmore Rd.
Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-762-6313
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Lake Country
40-9522 Main St.
Lake Country, BC
Phone: 250-766-2544
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Lower Mission
3970 Lakeshore Rd.
Kelowna, BC
Phone: 778-699-2006
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Services We Provide
With our large, highly-credentialed staff, Sun City Physiotherapy can address and treat a wide variety of injuries, disorders, and conditions.
As part of our commitment to provide the highest level of professional care, our therapists are continually attending postgraduate courses and specializing in multiple areas of treatment.
Recent Physiotherapy Articles
Fall Prevention Tips
An area of concern that I often hear about while working with an older population is the fear of falling. It is also fairly common that I will assess and treat an injury that is the result of a fall. A fall may occur due to poor balance, an unsafe walking pattern or...
A Pain in the Achilles
The Achilles tendon is the strongest tendon in the body, connecting the calf muscles to their insertion on the heel bone, or calcaneus. Achilles tendinitis is a common overuse injury in sport. It can be a killjoy – it affects walking, hiking and many sporting...
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
IT Band Syndrome Its the time of year when its great to get back outdoors, and when many of us become more physically active again. As our bodies adjust to the increased activity, sometimes there are aches and pains that come along with it. One such problem that...
Vertigo, Inner Ear & Dizziness
Vestibular Rehabilitation’ is an area of focus in my physiotherapy practise – I am often asked what exactly that means. The vestibular system (involving your inner ear) is responsible for sense of movement, body orientation and balance. The vestibular system (along...
BODY ROLLING: A new way to enhance flexibility and well being.
How often do you get a tight area in your back that you’d love to get rid of? Or a tense band in your buttock or hamstring that has plagued you for weeks? Have you noticed that your shoulders round forward, and you’re tight across the back of your shoulders? The...
TMJ Dysfunction Part 2
Argh! You woke up with another headache, and your teeth hurt from clenching yesterday at work, as you just met another stressful deadline. As you massage your temples and face, which actually feels relieving, your significant other tells you about your loud teeth...
Treatment Options for Hip Osteoarthritis
Hip osteoarthritis is a common condition that involves the degeneration of the articular cartilage of the hip joint. If you have this condition and are noticing an increase in pain and a decrease in physical function you may be wondering what treatment options are...
Iliotibial Band Syndrome and Running
Running is a popular activity that can help maintain or improve your cardiovascular fitness and in some cases help you lose weight. There are many different reasons to run but often there is a goal set that may include 5Km, 10Km, half marathon, or full marathon. When...
TMJ Dysfunction Part 1
Did you wake up this morning with acute facial pain and inability to open your mouth? When you think to yesterday, you remember taking a big bite from an apple and experienced a sharp pain in your jaw joint. Today, you can’t really open or fully close your mouth. That...
Bone Health and Exercise
Optimal bone health is a serious consideration in people approaching mid-life. It is common knowledge that bones become more brittle as we age. What may be less recognized are the factors we can control through exercise and nutrition in the first half of adult life...