Treatment of Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Pain in Women and Men

Treatment of Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Pain in Women and Men

Treatment of Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Pain in Women and Men

Specialized physiotherapy for the assessment and treatment of bladder and bowel incontinence, and pelvic pain are becoming more recognized as a first line of defence.

If you think you may be affected, ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Have you experienced incontinence when heading to the bathroom, or when you cough or sneeze?
  • Do you find yourself straining or in pain when passing a bowel movement?
  • Have you experienced pain with intercourse?
  • Do you suffer from lower back or hip pain?
  • Are you pregnant or post-partum and experiencing leakage?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the pelvic floor muscles, fascia and nerves may be contributing to your symptoms, and assessment by a pelvic floor physiotherapist is recommended.

Pelvic floor physiotherapy goes beyond the well-known Kegel, and should be assessed and treated similarly to any other muscular injury or imbalance. The goal is to optimize the coordination, strength, and flexibility of the pelvic floor muscles. Through the use of a ‘rib to knees assessment approach’ your pelvic floor physiotherapist will explain the important relationship between your diaphragm, core, and pelvic floor. Any imbalances, previous trauma, or de-conditioning can lead to symptoms such as rib pain, core weakness, back/hip pelvic pain or incontinence. Your pelvic floor physiotherapist will then work to address these symptoms, and create a manageable and empowering treatment plan to help you regain control and function around what can often feel like an isolating and embarrassing problem for many.

Who would benefit from a Pelvic Health Assessment? Those experiencing: 

  • Stress incontinence: leakage with coughing, sneezing, jumping, running;
  • Urge incontinence: leakage or loss of control without being able to delay voiding;
  • A mix of the above incontinences;
  • Women during pregnancy and post-partum;
  • Post Prostatectomy, and:
  • Nocturia – waking multiple times throughout the night to void

What should you expect at a Pelvic Health Appointment?

  • Assessment of posture, movement mechanics, core and pelvic floor muscle activation;
  • Option for internal assessment of pelvic floor musculature;
  • Exercises specific for your pelvic floor muscle tone and function;
  • Education on symptom management, and;
  • Self-management techniques to confidently perform exercises at home

If you have questions or concerns around your pelvic floor, or are currently pregnant or post partum, book an assessment with our Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Paige Marzinzik at our Downtown or Lower Mission Clinic.

– by Paige Marzinzik, Physiotherapist, Pelvic Health Therapist


Sun City Physiotherapy Locations


1468 St. Paul Street, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-861-8056
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103-437 Glenmore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-762-6313
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Lake Country

40-9522 Main St., Lake Country, BC
Phone: 250-766-2544
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Lower Mission

3970 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 778-699-2006
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Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles Tendonitis

What is Achilles Tendonitis?

Achilles tendonitis is a painful condition that results from an imbalance between tissue wear and repair in the Achilles tendon – at the back of the ankle. It usually develops slowly over time, although symptoms can come on quite suddenly.

Factors affecting tissue wear can include activity level, biomechanics, muscle imbalance and footwear. Factors that affect tissue repair can include age, gender, genetics, sleep, fitness level, and certain medications and medical conditions.

Why Should I Know the Signs?

Achilles pain is common in athletes and for those who spend a large portion of their day standing or walking. The development of tendon pain is often preceded by a change in activity level, for example running longer distances or spending more time walking at a new job. Sometimes tendon pain can come on several months after making such a change. Other times it can be hard to pinpoint the exact cause of the injury, since tendonitis is influenced by so many factors.

How Can Physiotherapy Help?

The ideal treatment for Achilles tendonitis will depend on how old the injury is, the section of tendon affected, and the type and degree of tissue change that is present (for example is the tendon thickened, or are there bony changes where the tendon attaches to the heel bone). Management will often involve activity modification as well as a progressive exercise program.

Your physiotherapist can help to confirm your diagnosis (several other conditions can cause pain at the back of the ankle!) and can help to identify and correct any muscle imbalances or biomechanical problems that may be contributing to your injury. Achilles tendonitis can also benefit from Shockwave Therapy which is offered at all Sun City Physiotherapy locations.

Rob Heimbach is a registered physiotherapist who works out of our Glenmore clinic. His passions include distance running, hiking, tennis, curling, and beach volleyball. He is an outdoors and movement enthusiast who enjoys helping people return to pain free movement!

Sun City Physiotherapy Locations


1468 St. Paul Street, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-861-8056
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103-437 Glenmore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-762-6313
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Lake Country

40-9522 Main St., Lake Country, BC
Phone: 250-766-2544
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Lower Mission

3970 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 778-699-2006
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What Is Scoliosis?

What Is Scoliosis?

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a deformity of the spine, usually diagnosed in adolescents; often without a known cause.

What is Scheuermann’s Kyphosis?

It is a (hyper)kyphosis; a spinal deformity that leads to a more rounded appearance of one’s upper back (sometimes referred to as a “roundback” or “hunchback”)

What does this look like; and what does that mean for me or my child?

It means that you may have noticed some differences in the appearance of your child or yourself as compared to peers: uneven hips, waist, and/or shoulders, a “sticking out” spot on the ribs and/or back, a shoulder blade that doesn’t match the other side. You or your child may also experience increasing symptoms as the condition progresses, such as pain, breathing difficulty, osteoarthritis, mental health problems, and decreased health-related quality of life.

What is Schroth? 

Schroth exercises are an evidence-supported, set of physiotherapeutic scoliosis specific exercises (PSSE). They are aimed at preventing the progression of the spinal curve, or to optimize post surgical results. Studies have shown that Schroth is effective for decreasing pain, improving quality of life, increasing back muscle endurance and range of motion, and improving self-image.

Does timing matter?

Early detection and care planning are very important. The options for, and effectiveness of treating a scoliosis or kyphosis vary with stages of skeletal maturity. If you suspect you, your child or teen has scoliosis or kyphosis, it is important to get it screened by a professional such as a doctor or physiotherapist.

What should I expect when signing up for Schroth therapy?

  • Assessment of your posture/curve and movement
  • Education about your scoliosis/kyphosis
  • Specific Exercises, positions and postures to practice at home
  • Monitoring your scoliosis/kyphosis

Scoliosis and Kyphosis management is a team approach which includes your family doctor (observation, monitoring, and care coordination), physiotherapist (physiotherapeutic scoliosis specific exercises), orthotist (bracing), and surgeon (surgery).

Sun City Physiotherapy Locations


1468 St. Paul Street, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-861-8056
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103-437 Glenmore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-762-6313
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Lake Country

40-9522 Main St., Lake Country, BC
Phone: 250-766-2544
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Lower Mission

3970 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 778-699-2006
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Shaking Sugar Cravings

Shaking Sugar Cravings

Shaking Sugar Cravings

5 Tips for shaking those lingering holiday sugar cravings:

Holidays…we love them…and we tend to overdo the treats a bit during them. That’s okay, but battling those sugar cravings while adjusting back to reality and fighting off the post holiday illness, often makes for added frustration. Try these simple tricks to try to get back on track and focused on your holiday resolutions:

  1. Drink your water! Sometimes this alone can help curb those sweet cravings! Often, during this cold time of year, we do not drink as much water as usual. Try having a glass first thing in the morning and supplementing throughout the day with caffeine free teas to help boost overall water intake.
  2. Make sure you are including those starchy carbohydrates. The dieting culture almost makes cutting carbs seem like a normal thing. It’s not! Carbohydrates are not the enemy, they are actually the main source of energy for your body and brain. When the body breaks down carbohydrates it turns them into sugars. This is what is transported to your cells to give you energy (along with other important jobs). If you cut out our starchy carbs (i.e. breads, pastas, rice, potatoes etc.,) you may notice that you feel low energy, mood swings and/or feelings of frustration or agitation. What you will also notice is that you may be rummaging through all the cupboards and fridge looking for that something – not quite satisfied – craving quick sugars (aka processed sugars). Instead of cutting out those starchy carbs, make sure you include them in your healthy diet (try choosing higher fibre choices) as this actually helps fight off some of those sugar cravings!
  3. Balanced meals: It sounds simple, right? But balanced meals really do help kick those sugar cravings! If you skimp on any of the portions, you may notice more evening cravings, or feelings of constant hunger. To make meal planning easier – and better for you – book an appointment with a Registered Dietician. Help is just an appointment away!
  4. Try having natural sugar instead. Processed sugar is often referred to as a ‘drug-like addiction’, the body wants more and more. The body can be lazy, and these sugars have already been processed, so your body doesn’t have to do much work to receive the ‘benefits’. Foods that naturally contain sugar often also contain fibre, protein, or fat. These all help to satisfy the body, but still give that sugar you’re craving. Next time you are caving that fudge or sweet treat after a meal, try having a piece of fruit or yogurt instead!
  5. And finally….If you’re having a treat for simply the pleasure of having a treat (in moderation), ENJOY it!! Be conscious of portion size (i.e. have a bowl, not the WHOLE ice cream bin!), eat it mindfully, really savour it… and DON’T compensate calories for it at your next meal. Just go back to regular eating, have a healthy relationship with treats! Happy Chomping!

Sun City Physiotherapy Locations


1468 St. Paul Street, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-861-8056
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103-437 Glenmore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-762-6313
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Lake Country

40-9522 Main St., Lake Country, BC
Phone: 250-766-2544
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Lower Mission

3970 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 778-699-2006
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Injury Magnet

Injury Magnet

Injury Magnet


Sun City Physiotherapy Locations


1468 St. Paul Street, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-861-8056
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103-437 Glenmore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 250-762-6313
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Lake Country

40-9522 Main St., Lake Country, BC
Phone: 250-766-2544
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Lower Mission

3970 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, BC
Phone: 778-699-2006
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