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Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) or Dry Needling
Introduction Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS), also known as dry needling, is a therapeutic technique used to treat muscle pain and dysfunction. It involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles, the same ones used with acupuncture, into specific points in the...
Pointe Dance
Starting dance on pointe is an exciting milestone for any dancer. Ballerinas often dream of putting on a pair of pointe shoes and gliding seemingly effortlessly across the stage. While pointe work is beautiful, it is not a normal functional movement, and nowhere near...
What Our Kinesiologists Say About Stretching
It is one of the most important ways to avoid injury and to promote overall health. Here are some of the reasons everyone, active or not, should stretch: improves range of motion and flexibility promotes muscle balance prepares your body for activity helps your body...
Pilates’ Surprising Origins & Proven Benefits
In a British internment facility during World War I, German inventor Joseph Pilates developed the Pilates method. He was largely working with a rehabilitation population (those with illnesses and injuries), boasting his participants would emerge stronger than they...
Gardening Tips
Proper movements and tools will extend your gardening season. The secret to a healthy garden is a healthy gardener. To get the most of your gardening season, the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) recommends the following tips and techniques. A “warm up” before...
Empowering Movement: KidSport and the MOVE430 Campaign
In the realm of physical activity and sports, KidSport BC & KidSport Kelowna stands tall as a beacon of inclusivity and opportunity. Since its inception, KidSport BC has been dedicated to breaking down barriers and ensuring that every child has the chance to...
Seasons of Mental Health
If you're like me and many others, you may feel affected as the seasons change throughout the year. It is not uncommon to notice mild or more severe changes in how you feel and function in the midst of smoky, brown heat domes and cloudy, grey cold snaps. Some people...
Dancers, Athletes and Joint Hypermobility
One of the main reasons dancers, gymnasts, cheerleaders, figure skaters, and all athletes for that matter, become injured is due to joint hypermobility. Hypermobility refers to a joints’ ability to move beyond its average range of motion. A recent study done with...
Thinking of Dieting?
Happy New Years! Thinking of going on a diet in 2024? Read this, and think again: At this time of year, many folks are considering assessing their nutrition and looking to improve their eating habits or relationship with food. If you are looking to improve your energy...
Exercise – Where To Begin?
There are many reasons to exercise including improved health, fitness and aesthetics. For most people who begin an exercise program they will likely see improvements in all of these areas if their programs are of adequate intensity, duration, frequency; and if their...
Pain Is Not Just a Body Problem!
“Pain is not just a ‘body’ problem, it is a whole systems problem” - Jon Kabat Zinn Earlier this month, we recognized National Pain Awareness Week. Additionally, this colder, wetter, darker time of year is a common time for increased pain for many people. It...
TMJ Dysfunction
Argh! Did you wake up this morning with a headache or face pain? Do your jaw joints make noise? Do you have limited movement to open or close your mouth, or get “stuck” in one position during movement? Do your ears sometimes ring? Are you clenching or grinding your...
Dry Needling
You’ve most likely heard of acupuncture; and quite possibly IMS. They both fall under the category of Dry Needling. Dry needling is a technique that a trained physiotherapist can incorporate into your treatment plan. It involves the insertion of a fine solid needle...
“Ring Theory” – Integrated Systems Model
Some people think the Integrated Systems Model (ISM), sometimes known as ‘Ring Theory’ sounds like hocus pocus. But here’s the general theory which I am elaborating on from the ISM’s founder, British Columbia’s Diane Lee. Imagine the body is a series of rings. Your...
Pregnancy and the Benefits of Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
There are two key times of pelvic floor education: during pregnancy, and after pregnancy. During pregnancy, you can work with your Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist to learn how to properly strengthen and relax the pelvic floor. A strong pelvic floor is important, but so...
Rotator Cuff Injuries
We’ve all heard of our rotator cuff, but what role does it play in our everyday movement and how does an injury affect us? The rotator cuff plays a crucial role in moving and stabilizing the shoulder, allowing for a wide range of movements. It is vital for...
Spotlight on Scoliosis
Scoliosis is a spinal deformity - famously known as a “sideways” curve of the spine. It is most often found during adolescence and affects about three in every hundred Canadians. As the spine curves it can cause changes in body morphology like unevenness in the hips,...
Golf Injuries
Each year in the Okanagan, golfers like me take to the links to whack balls left, right, and occasionally down the middle of the fairway. It’s often a humbling experience. The sport of golf requires coordination, strength, flexibility, and most importantly, mobility....
Planter Heel Pain – Plantar Fasciitis
What Is PHP? Plantar heel pain (PHP), commonly known as Plantar Fasciitis, refers to pain beneath the heel that is typically worse with weight-bearing activities. It is commonly characterized by pain on the first few steps in the morning, tenderness on the inside of...
National Indigenous People’s Day
Leading up to June 21st, 2023 - National Indigenous People’s Day - we acknowledge that at Sun City Physiotherapy we are privileged to work, play, and live on the traditional and unceded territory of the Syilx (Okanagan) Peoples. The College of Physiotherapists in BC...